Here you will find a list of published and unpublished papers and presentations up to 2014 in the organisational and socioanalytic fields and the field of psychotherapy. Contact me at if you are interested in reading any of these papers.
Shafer AT |
"Is there a psychoanalytic state of mind, and how is it formed?" Paper presented to the Victorian Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 3rd March 2014 |
Shafer AT |
"What is the ‘proper object’ of contemporary object-relations psychotherapy?" Paper presented to the annual conference of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Association of Australasia, 2009 |
Shafer AT |
"Hate your neighbour as you hate yourself: prejudice and the psycho-politics of divisiveness" ADC Special Report No. 35, A periodic publication of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission Inc, Melbourne, September 2007 |
Shafer AT |
"Can you teach and feel?" Paper presented to the Catholic Education office of Western Australia Grief Awareness Day: 30th August 2006 |
Shafer AT |
"The Psychotherapist as Executive: 'Managing' the psychotherapeutic relationship?" Friday Forum presentation for the Association for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Western Australia, February 25th 2005 |
Shafer AT |
"Defining the boundaries between personal and professional relationships" Seminar for the Renal Society Association, Perth, October 19th 2004 |
Bolton, P |
"More than medicine: The therapeutic relationship in general practice" Socioanalysis |
Shafer AT |
"Mental Health Organisations and the problem of "Management". Paper presented to the OPUS Conference: ORGANISATIONAL AND SOCIAL DYNAMICS: International perspectives from Group Relations, Psychoanalysis and Systems Theory.21st & 22nd November 2003 at The Ambassadors Hotel, 12 Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0HX |
Shafer AT |
"Multi-level Application of Group Relations Conference Learning:Staff, Members and Sponsoring Organisations" Paper presented to the Tavistock/OFEK (Israel) International Conference: Group Relations Conferences: Reviewing and Exploring Theory, Design, Role-taking and Application. 6th - 9th November 2003, Hotel Villa Carlotta, Belgirate, Lake Maggiore, Italy |
Shafer A T |
"Developing the 'Socioanalytic Mind' in Australia: A Socioanalytic Exploration of the Key Themes of Major Group Relations Programmes of the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis: 1987-2003" Organisational & Social Dynamics 3 (2): 267-276, 2003 |
Shafer AT |
“Danger! Men at Work!” Paper presented at the Men’s Health and Wellbeing Association Education Forum, August 2002 |
Shafer AT |
“What is the Value of Money?” Web-cam presentation on behalf of AISA for interPsic (Brazil) forum: PRÉ-ENCONTRO DE PSICOLOGIA E ECONOMIA fronteiras, convergências, dilemmas (Pre-encounter of Psychology and Economics: Frontiers, Convergences and dilemmas) August 24, 2002: |
Shafer AT |
‘Wanted, Your Teenage Son!' Paedophilia, homosexuality and the organisational vilification of the “other”: a socioanalytic view on some dynamics of fundamentalism“. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations, Melbourne, 19-22 June 2002 archived at |
Shafer AT |
“What is the Value of Money?” Seminar for the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis series “Money Talks!” Melbourne, November 2001 |
Shafer AT |
“An exploration of some diverse functions of electronic communication as social defence”. Paper presented to the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis, Launceston, 2001 |
Jureidini J |
"Munchausen by proxy syndrome”: not only pathological parenting but also problematic doctoring? Medical Journal of Australia 178: 130-132, 2003 |
Shafer AT |
“Why do people create hoaxes?” ABC Radio, Perth, 19 October, 2001 Archived with audio at: |
Jureidini J |
“Concealing and revealing: Munchausen-by-proxy Syndrome in the Medical System” Paper presented to the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis, Launceston, 2001 |
Shafer AT |
“Disembodied managers and their disembodied staff” Seminar presentation in the series “E-management: Who’s in charge today?” for the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis, June 2000 |
Shafer AT |
"Can we face some challenges for psychotherapists?" AISA News: The Newsletter of the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis (Number 14, Winter 2000) |
Shafer AT |
“Back to the future: An analysis of key themes of AISA's National Group Relations Conferences and other major programmes: 1987-1999. Paper presented to the 2nd Scientific Conference of the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis, Canberra, 2000 |
Nahum T & |
“The role of the ‘Conference Administrator” Paper presented to the 2nd Scientific Conference of the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis Canberra, 2000 |
Bolton P & |
“More than medicine: The therapeutic relationship in general practice,” Draft unpublished report on an action research project on the non-medical factors in the doctor-patient relationship that contribute to health, for the Canterbury Division of General Practice & University of Sydney, Sydney, 2000 |
Shafer AT |
“Colonial Domination and the Struggle for Identity: a socioanalytic perspective.” Socioanalysis 1999 Vol 1, 1, pp34-47 |
Shafer AT |
“Consulting Teams: Hidden Mirrors” Paper presented to the Inaugural Scientific Conference, Australian Institute of Socioanalysis,, Canberra, January 1998 |
Shafer AT |
“How the primary task of an organisation shapes its culture.” Seminar for the Australian Psychological Society: College of Organisational Psychologists, October 22, 1997 |
Shafer AT |
“Leopards and spots: grappling with change and development in a zoo culture”. Keynote speaker, Annual Conference of ARAZPA and ASZK, Auckland, March 16-20, 1997 |
Shafer AT |
“Grappling with change and development in a zoo culture” AISA Occasional Paper, 1997 |
Penter, CE & |
Unravelling the Web of Coordination. Report for the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia, June 1992 |
Shafer, AT |
“Managing Organisational Crises”, Invited presenter: SYNERGY ‘92 Conference, Orchard Hotel, Singapore, August 1992. |
Shafer AT |
"Managing the Emotional Aspects of the Patient - Nurse Relationship" Invited Half-day seminar sponsored by Astra- Zenica Pharmaceuticals. May 29th 2004 |
Shafer AT |
"Common Psychological Defences Against the Pain of working with Illness and Death" Invited Paper presented to the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (Psycho-Oncology Section) 27th November 2003 |
Shafer AT |
"Can the Professional be Personal? Managing relationships with ill and dying people." Invited Seminar for the St John of God Hospice, Murdoch, Perth. August 23rd 2004 |
Shafer AT |
“Common Psychological Defences in Workers” Seminar for Psychotherapists and Counsellors Association of Western Australia, June 2002 |
Shafer AT |
“Common Psychological Defences in People Working with Grief and Loss ” Invited Paper: National Association for Loss and Grief (NALAG) Annual Conference, Perth, October 2001: Archived at: |
Shafer AT |
“Discussion of ‘Psychoanalysis and the Body-Mind Problem” invited discussant, Psychoanalysis, Narcissism and the Body, 6th Conference of the Brisbane Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, August 10-12, 2001 Archived at |
Shafer AT |
"Can we face some challenges for psychotherapists?" AISA News: The Newsletter of the Australian Institute of Socioanalysis |
Shafer AT |
“Is it ‘all in the mind’? A psychodynamic perspective on some psychosomatic conditions”. APPWA 2000 - Seminar Series of the Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy of WA, June 2000 |
Shafer AT |
“Colonial Domination and the Struggle for Identity: a socioanalytic perspective.” Socioanalysis 1999 Vol 1, 1, pp34-47 |
Shafer AT |
“Psychosomatic Presentations in Clinical Practice” Workshop for the Johannesburg Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Group, South Africa, July 1998 |
Shafer AT |
“Can projective identification enhance our understanding of the psychodynamics of psychosomatic conditions?” Lecture, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, July 1998 |
Shafer AT |
“Can projective identification advance our understanding of the psychodynamics of psychosomatic disorders?” Australian Journal of Psychotherapy 1997, Vol 16 Nos 1 & 2, pp170-183 |
Shafer AT |
“Memory & desire - a glimpse of the clinical contribution of Wilfred Bion”. The Wasley Institute “Friday Forum”, April 1996. |
Shafer AT |
Commonwealth of Australia National Counselling Guidelines: HIV/AIDS. Australian Government Publishing Service, 1992 |
Shafer, AT |
“Emotional adjustment of patients receiving psychological counselling after a diagnosis of HIV infection”. Venereology, 1990, 3 (2), 12 - 13 |
Shafer, AT |
“Psychological intervention with recurrent genital herpes”. Venereology, 1990, 3(2), 32 - 33. |
Shafer, AT |
“Psychotherapeutic intervention in AIDS-related marital breakdown in bisexual men”. Paper presented to the annual Conference Health Department of W A Clinical Psychologists Perth, March 1989. |
Shafer, AT |
“Boundary breakdown in professional AIDS counsellors”. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Australian Anthropological Society, University of Wester Australia, September 1989. |
Shafer, AT |
“Counsellor responses as an assessment technique”. Invited presentation to the Board of Counselling Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society (W A Branch), Perth, October 1989 |
Shafer, AT |
“Psychological barriers in the community to the care of people with AIDS”. Paper presented to Mental Health Week Dare to Care Panel, Perth, October 1989. |
Shafer, AT |
“A multi-faceted approach to the treatment of an obsessive-compulsive neurosis in an adolescent boy”. Paper presented to the 2nd National congress of the South African Society of Clinical Psychologists, Durban, July 1980. |
Shafer, AT |
“Communication skills for the speech therapist; A look at ‘reflection of feeling’ & other verbal techniques”. Newsletter of the South African Speech & Hearing Association, 1978, No. 213, 24 - 27 |
Shafer, AT |
“Day Care & emotional growth: A new perspective”. UNISA Psychologia, 1979, 6, 9 - 12 |
Shafer, AT |
“The psychiatric nurse as psychotherapist”. Australasian Nurses’ Journal, 1979, 8 (10), 1 - 3 |
Shafer, AT |
“On being a real father”. Johannesburg Society for Early Childhood Education Magazine, 1985, 2, 4 - 7 |
Shafer, AT |
“Migration: courage and commitment or fear and flight?” Businessman’s Law, 1988, 17 (6), 171 - 172 |